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NCover.Console NAnt Options

NCover.Console provides numerous features for profiling applications, services, and IIS (ASP.NET) applications.


Name Attribute Name Summary
Append Trends appendTrendTo Appends trend data from the merged coverage files to the specified output path and filename.
Coverage XML coverageFile Outputs Coverage data to a file other than the default.
HTML Report htmlReportDir Outputs HTML to a directory. Requires Complete Edition.
Log File logFile Logs to a file other than the default.
Log Level logLevel Specify profiler log level.
Project Name projectName Specifies the name of the project for HTML output.

Profiling Options

Name Attribute Name Summary
Program program The path to the NCover.Console.exe executable.
Test Runner Exe testRunnerExe The test application to execute.
Test Runner Args testRunnerArgs The command line arguments for the test application.
Coverage Metric coverageType Set which coverage metrics to collect data for.
Exclude Attributes excludeAttributes Namespaces, classes and methods with an attribute that matches one of the regular expressions will be excluded from coverage.
Exclude Assemblies excludeAssemblies Exclude assemblies from coverage.
Exclude Files excludeFiles Excludes source files using a list of regular expressions.
Exclude Methods excludeMethods Excludes methods using a list of regular expressions.
Exclude Types excludeTypes Excludes types using a list of regular expressions..
Include Attributes includeAttributes Namespaces, Classes, and Methods with an attribute that matches one of the regular expressions will be included into coverage.
Include Assemblies includeAssemblies Selects which assemblies to cover.
Include File Paths includeFiles Source files whose path matches one of the regular expressions will be included into coverage.
Include Types includeTypes Namespaces and Classes whose fully-qualified name matches one of these regular expressions will be included into coverage.
Disable Autoexclusion autoExclude Includes compiler generated code in coverage.
Only Assemblies With Source onlyAssembliesWithSource Only cover Assemblies with source information.
Process Name coverChildProcess Profile only processes that match a particular name.
Cover All Processes coverAll Forces NCover to gather code coverage on all of the processes that it starts either directly or indirectly.
Symbol Search Policy symbolSearchLocations Tell NCover where to look for symbol (*.pdb) files.

Program Settings

Name Attribute Name Summary
Build Id buildId Attaches a custom build id to the coverage data gathered.
Turn literal mode on. literalMode Turns off the automatic detection and fixing of common NCover configuration errors; forces NCover to interpret its configuration literally.
Register NCover registerProfiler Temporarily registers the NCover DLL.
Global Environment setupGlobalEnvironment Configures NCover to cover child processes that could start as services or as regular applications.
Working Directory workingDirectory Set the working directory.
Wait for Application Load waitForAppLoad Sets the maximum number of minutes NCover waits for the profiled process to connect before timing out.


Name Attribute Name Summary
IIS profileIIS Allows coverage of IIS.
Service Timeout serviceTimeout Sets maximum number of minutes NCover will let IIS or a Windows Service run before stopping them..
Windows Service profileService Allows coverage of a service.
Service Arguments serviceArguments Adds startup arguments to the windows service argument list.

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