NCover Documentation
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  <a name="installation"></a>
  <p>If you have not already downloaded NCover, click <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  <p>After downloading the appropriate installation file (NCover.msi for 32 bit systems or NCover64.msi for 64 bit systems), 
  double click it to begin the installation. Follow the instructions on screen.</p>
  <p>Once installation has been completed, you will be prompted to register NCover. If you have used the program 
  before to register a valid key, you can skip this step, and begin using NCover. Otherwise, you have two options to complete
     <li><strong>Internet Registration:</strong> Enter your product key (click <a href="">here</a> if you do 
     not know your product key, or need a trial key) and click Next.</li>
     <li><strong>License File Registration:</strong> License File registration becomes available once the registration program
     has tried to register through the internet and failed. The easiest way to force that to happen is to disable your network connection
     or unplug the ethernet cable. Once the registration program has failed to register through the internet, you will be sent to 
  <a href="">this page</a>,
     where you will enter your product key. After clicking Submit, you will be able to download a license file.
     In the NCover Registration program, browse to the license file, and complete registration.</li>
  Congratulations! You are now ready to use NCover.</p>

  <a name="console"></a>
  <p>From the command line, type 
  and press Enter. This will show a list of command line flags.
  If you would like an in depth explanation of them, click 
  <a href="">here</a>. As you can see from the
  <a href="">usage guide</a>,
  covering a program is as simple as providing the application to cover as the first argument. For example,
  <code>NCover.Console MyApp.exe</code> would run coverage on a program called MyApp.exe in the current directory.</p>
  <p>By default, NCover.Console creates an output file in the current directory: Coverage.Xml.
  The Xml file contains all of the interesting output about the coverage of your program.</p>
  You can learn more about running NCover.Console in the
  <a href="">Command Line Flags Reference</a>.

  <a name="explorer"></a>
  <p>Start NCover.Explorer and press Ctrl+N to open the Run NCover dialog. On this screen, you can browse to an executable
  that you would like to profile. We recommend that you check the "Close window & load coverage file after successful run"
  checkbox. When all of the sections under Options in the left hand pane are green checkmarks, click Run.
  This will execute NCover with the options you specified. If you followed our recommendation, the Run dialog will automatically
  close, and the coverage data will be loaded. Otherwise, you can close the dialog yourself and use the Open option from the
  File menu to find your coverage report.</p>
  <p>After you have loaded the coverage data, there are three important parts of the window. On the left side, all of the 
  coverage files, assemblies, namespaces, classes, and methods will be listed in a tree structure. The top pane lists the
  sequence points contained in whichever segment you have selected in the left. Clicking any sequence points will load
  highlighted source code in the bottom frame.</p>
  <a name="htmloutput"></a>
  <h2>HTML Output</h2>
    A new feature to NCover 2.0, HTML Output allows you and your team to share coverage data from your continuous integration 
    To generate HTML Output from NCover, use the //h option of NCover.Console and specify the directory that you would like the
    HTML Output to be written to. For example, <code>NCover.Console MyApp.exe //h report</code> would run run coverage on a program
    called MyApp.exe in the current directory, and export html output to a directory named report within the current directory.

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