NCover Documentation

Import Project Settings

The Import Project command is used to modify NCover project settings from the command line.

The simplest way to update project settings is to export settings from the existing NCover project, then modify the resulting JSON file as needed.

ncover project-export --project="ProjectName" --file="C:\MyPath\project-settings"

ncover project-import --project="ProjectName" --file="C:\MyPath\project-settings.json" --overwrite

Note: If --overwrite is not used, the command will use the original project name, plus a number.


NCover Project-Import --file=<file name>


ncover project-import --project="MyProject" --file="C:\Users\Support\NCover\project-settings.json" --overwrite


  --project=VALUE        NCover project name.
  --file=VALUE           JSON file name to import.
  --overwrite            Overwrite existing execution.

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