NCover Documentation

NCover Filters

NCover filters cannot be created from the command line, but the Filters command allows you to set and modify project parameters from the command line.


NCover Filters --project= [--file=] [--clear]

Bracketed parameters are optional.


    --file=value: file containing the filters to add (in JSON format).
    --project=value: project to add filters to.
    --clear: clear all the filters in the project

The project name is required. If no other options are given, this command will print out a list of the filters for the specified project.

JSON file format:

Here is an example of the JSON to add filters:

{ "filterRules":

{ "include": false, "field": "Method", "condition": "Contains", "value": "MyMethod" }, { "include": true, "field": "Class", "condition": "StartsWith", "value": "MyClass" }] }

This is a JSON object with one property ("filterRules"). That property contains the array of filter rules to add to the project pre-coverage filter.

The options here (include, field, condition, value) are the same options -- though not exactly the same values -- found in the drop-down boxes for the Pre-Coverage Filters in the Project settings:

Include: True, False

Field: Module, Method, Namepace, Assembly, Class

Condition: Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, Matches, Regex

Value: YourDLL

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