Attach NCover to an already running process
Attach NCover to an already running process
We have an application that is always monitored through a different application. This means the monitoring application will start, stop, restart and does a host of other operations on this target process. My question is, given this scenario, how will I be able to profile the target process, because this process will be up and running in the end-system always and I shall not be able to launch this with NCover.
Thanks, Kishore
RE: Attach NCover to an already running process
in the situtation you describe, gathering coverage with NCover isn't really possible unless you can change the monitoring application to start the monitored app through NCover.
We know that our support for the situtation you describe is very bad, and we've discussed ways of improving it, but we will likely not do it short of the NCover 5.0 release because it would require a large change in our artichecture.
RE: Attach NCover to an already running process
Thanks for the reply Stephen.
I am very much interested in knowing the roadmap for the 5.0 release. Can you kindly forward the link to it?
As explained earlier, the scenario described is a secure. It is possible for us to make things launch from NCover using the Monitoring Application, however, it introduces a new design, which may not be hack-proof.
Is it possible to start NCover within my application by the way of using any NCover APIs? Does NCover expose any documented APIs that may cover the described scenario?
RE: Attach NCover to an already running process
We are currently working on v4.0 but we are not releasing a roadmap at this time. When we are closer to the release date we will provide the new feature set.
NCover does not have api's. NCover must be loaded before your application starts since we instrument the IL and this can only be done as the dll is being loaded into the application domain and not after it is already loaded.
Joe Feser