PATH Environment variable not respected by NCover

PATH Environment variable not respected by NCover

I'm attempting to run ncover from an Nant script. I have Nunit and Ncover paths defined in my PATH environment variable. But when I launch the ncover nant task, it cannot resolve the path to program="ncover.console.exe" and testRunnnerExe="nunit-console.exe"

I would prefer not to specify an absolute path to these tools so I can run the script on different machines. Can anyone offer a solution to this problem?

RE: PATH Environment variable not respected by NCo

could you post the two lines that aren't respecting the PATH variable?

RE: PATH Environment variable not respected by NCover

When I run the following task with Nant, I have to specify the full path to program and testRunnerExe, I would like to simply specify the name of the exe's and have the path resolved through my PATH environment variable.

These are the lines that are not respecting the PATH variable.

RE: PATH Environment variable not respected by NCo

funny -- we're already working on a support case for this exact issue. I'll keep you updated.