No symbols availible? mbunit v3 (gallio)
No symbols availible? mbunit v3 (gallio)
I'm trying to get NCover to run with the latest version of MBUnit v3. I configured an external tool in Visual Studio 2008 following roughly what was posted on the blog here:
My current configuration for the tool is as follows:
Command: C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe
Arguments: "C:\Program Files\Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe" $(ProjectDir)\bin\debug\$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)
Initial directory: $(ProjectDir)\bin\debug
I then select my test project in the solution explorer and run the tool. The output window shows that Gallio Echo has run and all 15 tests in my project passed. I then see the output from NCover which says that a coverage file was written out. Inspecting the coverage file I see it only has a dozen or so lines written to it, and generating a report from that nearly blank file says that
"Cyclomatic complexity data does not exist Symbols were not available for this execution. The sequence points coverage data will not be available"
There are symbol files in the bin/debug folder. Any idea why this isn't working?
I know there is a FAQ on this, but the two solutions 1) assembly is installed in the GAC and 2) files are being shadow copied don't seem to apply. The GAC does not have the assembly installed and Gallio.Echo.exe only shadow copies when you pass it /sc, which I'm not
RE: No symbols availible? mbunit v3 (gallio)
Aha! well I figured this one out, but I'll leave this here for other interested parties...
It seems you need to tell echo to use the "local" runner. Simply pass echo the switch "/r:Local". This can be done in the arguments section of the tool configuration I showed above
credit where credit is due:
RE: No symbols availible? mbunit v3 (gallio)
or you can add "//pm" to the ncover command line
or you can use NCover v3.1.2 which takes care of it for you