Satifactory Coverage Level

Satifactory Coverage Level

I am trying to change the Satisfactory Coverage level on my reports on 3.0 but it doesn't seem to want to alter it from the defaults. Following the example, I've tried this in my ncoverreporting block but it makes no difference.

<!-- <satisfactoryCoverage> --> <!-- <threshold coverageMetric="MethodCoverage" value="70.0" /> --> <!-- <threshold coverageMetric="BranchCoverage" value="70.0" /> --> <!-- </satisfactoryCoverage> -->

I've also tried minimumCoverage block and that seems to work, but I don't want the build failed.

RE: Satifactory Coverage Level

could you explain in more detail what you mean by "want to alter it from the defaults?" which report are you creating, what behaviour leads to to believe NCover is ignoring the satisfactory coverage?

RE: Satifactory Coverage Level

I am running a Symbol Module report under CC.Net. Both Sequence Points and Branch Points defaults to 95% coverage under the Acceptable column. If it falls below that, I don't want it to fail the build as the "minimumCoverage" element will.

RE: Satifactory Coverage Level

could you tell your nant script to log verbose messages and then post the output here? thanks.

RE: Satifactory Coverage Level

Are you trying to use the NAnt script or the NCoverReporting Config file?

If you send your config file and coverage file and the command you are running to support @ ncover dot com, we can verify your settings.

Thank you,
