Branch coverage
Branch coverage
We are using NCover Enterprise Edition v I have read yesterday that the branch coverage using the NCoverExplorer GUI is not working, but when we use the console, it can generate a report with branch coverage. Are you giving a patch for this bug? The reason we bought NCOver last year is for testing the branch coverage. We were not informed that it is not working using the GUI. I hope you could help us with this. thank you very much.
RE: Branch coverage
The NCover Explorer v2.X application has never supported branch coverage. When the files are saved, the application removes all of the branch coverage.
NCover 3 fully supports Branch coverage data along with Method Visits and Cyclomatic Complexity.
RE: Branch coverage
we tried using the ncover.console and the generated html report has branch coverage. Can we use the generated report to test our branch coverage? or this report hast also a bug?
Also, if we want to upgrade to version 3 how much will it costs us. tnx
RE: Branch coverage
The full Html report //h option will report the branch information for you.
I will forward your request for a quote for NCover 3.
RE: Branch coverage
ok tnx, pls forward it to my email tnx again