Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

I can't seem to get the Satisfactory Coverage settings working with NCover 3.

Given a property group as follows:


The following does not produce output showing 60%+ coverage as satisfactory:

ToolPath="C:\Program Files\NCover" SatisfactoryCoverage="$(Satisfactory)" ReportDataFilter="3" CoverageFilters="$(CoverageFilters)" CoverageDataPaths="@(CoverageFiles)" MergeFileName="build\Coverage\Coverage.Merged.xml" OutputPath="build\Coverage\html" ReportFormat="Html" ReportType="FullCoverageReport" />

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

why is the tag empty? if the threshold is supposed to apply to everything, then the pattern tag should be be part of the threshold

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

So should I make the pattern ".*" then? I assumed if Pattern was blank then it wouldn't do any filtering.

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

Your value is set to 70 and not 60, so it would not show 60% as satisfactory.

If the pattern is empty it applies to all items for that type so it should work fine.

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

Regardless, nothing below 100% shows in red.

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

Have you tried it with one of the other reports to verify the parameters you are passing are correct?

If you can email us the coverage file and the build script, we can research your issue. Please zip the files and send it to


RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

How do I specify coverage acceptance at the assembly level in addition to an overall level?

RE: Satisfactory Coverage in NCover 3

You would set the Assembly for the threshold.
