Calls through an interface are not marked as covered

Calls through an interface are not marked as covered

I wrote some tests that call an implicit implementation of an interface (through an interface reference of course).  But these are not being marked as having been covered.  I stepped through with the debugger and the code is being executed.

Here is an example of one of the methods that is not being marked as covered:


void IList.Insert(int index, object value)


   throw new NotImplementedException("Operation not supported");


Here is test code that calls it:


public void InvalidIListOperations()



   IList iList = (IList)ownedArray;



      iList.Insert(0, 1);

      Assert.Fail("We should not be here (Insert)");


   catch (NotImplementedException)


      Assert.IsTrue(true); // flag success



Re: Problems with NCover 1.3.3 and NUnit

I think I made it work now... just to share with those who are new to everything, like me!!

This command line would work:

> ncover-console /c nunit-console UnitTest.dll /w "c:\program files\..." /l "c:\program files\ncover\coverage.log" /o "c:\program files\ncover\coverage.xml
