Coalesce Multiple Unit Test Fixtures

Coalesce Multiple Unit Test Fixtures

I am certain this is outside the pervue of NC/NCE, but a common case nonetheless that others may be interested in.

We have upwards of 95% coverage on a very large project. Perhaps understandably we have our test fixtures separated into multiple projects/assemblies.

When passing mutiple assemblies as arguments to NUnit, the final coverage report lists multiple "coverages" for the same assembly. For example tests1.dll and tests2.dll both interact with core.dll. Tests1.dll has full coverage of core.dll, while Tests2.dll is meant to cover another assembly.

If this is clear enough as I portray it, have you thought of a way to coalesce the overall coverage?

RE: Coalesce Multiple Unit Test Fixtures

Are you trying to determine the coverage for test1 separately from test2 but your problem is that the results are merged into one report? Or is the problem that you do not want to see the combined results of core.dll?

I am trying to better understand how you would like the data presented. If you could better explain the exact data, we can help in assisting the command options.

To me it looks like you are trying to ignore core.dll in the second test, and that can be done with assembly inclusions in 2.0 //a and exclusions in 3.0 //eas.
