How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

I would like to see the trend graph in my reports, but I'm not sure how to get it. I saw a note about using //at but there is no documentation for how it should be specified, such as parameters. And I don't get any trend graph.

RE: How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

are you trying to create reports from NCover, NCover.Reporting, or NCover.Explorer?

RE: How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

You want to provide the same path to the trend file for all of your runs.

The parameter is a path.

If you have a trend file at c:\dev\ncover\trends.xml the parameter would be

//at c:\dev\ncover\trends.xml

Hope that helps.

Joe Feser

RE: How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

I have the trend file creating with //at. And I noticed that the usage for NCover.Reporting.exe takes a /t: option for inclusion in the report. The /t: option is what I was looking for. Please note that the NAnt task for reporting uses the wrong EXE (not NCover.Reporting.exe) and does not appear to support an option for the trend file.

New problem: Now I get an exception during reporting, but only if I include /t:NCoverTrend.xml (my trend file)

 [exec] NCover.Reporting v3.0.5 (Administrator x86)
 [exec] Merging and Reporting for NCover
 [exec] Copyright (c) 2008 Gnoso Inc.
 [exec] -- Top-level exception (System.Exception)
 [exec] Unable to create Full HTML report.
 [exec] -- Stack Trace
 [exec]    at NCover.Framework.Reports.NCoverHTMLReportWriter.CreateReport(Stream outputStream, ICoverageView coverageModel, ICoverageReportSettings settings, String fileName)
 [exec]    at NCover.Framework.Reports.ReportHelper.CreateHtmlFileReport(IReportWriter reportWriter, ICoverageReportSettings settings, String fileName, ICoverageView coverageModel)
 [exec]    at NCover.Framework.Reports.ReportHelper.CreateHtmlFileReport(ICoverageReportSettings settings, String fileName, ICoverageView coverageModel)
 [exec]    at NCover.Framework.Reports.ReportingProcessor.Process()
 [exec]    at NCover.Reporting.ReportMain.Main(String[] args)
 [exec] -- Inner exceptions
 [exec] Sequence contains no elements

The trend file does have data:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <trendcoveragedata xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">; <en>::C:\Projects\ActiveCall\trunk\build\core\ActiveCallLib_coverage.xml::</en> <stats ei="1" cc="0.7399528,14" ubp="434" udp="0" ul="533" um="243" usp="580" vbp="766" vdp="0" vl="1099" vsp="1112" vc="1" vm="487" /> <stats ei="2" cc="0.8458129,29" ubp="2738" udp="0" ul="4938" um="1361" usp="4806" vbp="1238" vdp="0" vl="1957" vsp="1992" vc="1" vm="770" />


RE: How do I use //at with 3 beta for trends?

thanks for the bug report! the problem with /t: has been fixed for v3.0.7, due next week, and we are working on the remaining build task issues.