Coverage.xml issues with IIS

Coverage.xml issues with IIS

We currently have the following setup:

IIS and NCover are pointing at D:\websites\theWebsite Selenium is pointing at \localhost:78 (which is theWebsite) The Selenium tests are run via the command line from a directory on C:

     >nant run.selenium.tests

Coverage.xml file is being created in D:\websites\theWebsite

We then preform the following:

1) Make sure IIS is running and we can get to theWebsite 2) Start NCover via NCover Explorer 3) Run Selenium tests 4) Cancel NCover run

The Coverage.xml file is being created, but is only 1kb, and NCover does not load it.

I found a couple of references in the log file which seem to indicate some of our dll's were not loaded (example):

(0x00000DC4) MESSAGE: Failed to load symbols for module [C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\b53a0102\29f87e90\assembly\dl3\774906a7\00cef0a7_da39c901\OurLibrary.DLL] in [C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\b53a0102\29f87e90\assembly\dl3\774906a7\00cef0a7_da39c901].

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, Dave.

RE: Coverage.xml issues with IIS

it's not that your dlls weren't loaded but that NCover couldn't find symbol information for them. try pointing the "_NT_SYMBOL_PATH" environment variable at the path where your PDB files are stored.