1.5.4. NCover fails with: Unable to establish communications

1.5.4. NCover fails with: Unable to establish communications

NCover seems still to have some problems. It seems that it does not recognize the shutdown of the target under certain conditions and therefore runs into a timeout.

How to create more information? Which kind of information is necessary?

Does anybody know how to catch this issue?

Re: NCover 1.5.8 - Fatal Execution Error using //pm switch with


Re: NCover 1.5.8 - Fatal Execution Error using //pm switch with

I'll see your <bump/> and raise you...

I have been discussing this issue with TypeMock support and we will have a solution forthcoming.

Re: The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application?

NCover profiles executing assemblies - there is no code being executed if you just give it a dll name. In your example you would want to be profiling the NUnit application, passing it the dll containing the tests in the command line.

So your command line should look something like this:
ncover "SomePath\NUnit-console.exe" Bank.NUnit.dll

Unfortunately Peter's FAQ is way out of date but if you type ncover without any arguments you can see the syntax. There's examples around on the web - or else you can try the NCoverExplorer 1.3.5 beta which has a GUI for generating the command lines etc.


Re: The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application?

Thank you very much!

I got it all working now :-)

Next step is to change the xsl for a pretty layout in CC.NET. Will look into NCoverExplore. I think I saw some nice layout there.

Thanks once again,