NCover.console.exe and MSTest causing Exception

NCover.console.exe and MSTest causing Exception

Running Vista x64 using default installation of NCover 2.1 x64.

NUnit works just fine. MsTest doesnt.

What am I missing? Can I provide more information?

NCover.Console v2.1.0 (Administrator x64) - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET Copyright (c) 2008 Gnoso Inc.

Registered to Customer #: 2966 NCover Enterprise Edition (7 Users)

-- Top-level exception (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException) External component has thrown an exception. -- Stack Trace at CxxThrowException(Void* , sThrowInfo ) at ShMemReader.GetMemoryPointer(ShMemReader , UInt32 addr) at ShMemLinkedList.getHeadNode(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at ShMemLinkedList.count(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at NCover.Data.MwShMemLinkedList<NCover::Interfaces::IModuleInfo ^\,ModuleInfo\,NCover::Data::ModuleInfoConverter>.get_Count() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData.ReadBinary() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData..ctor(INCoverData data) at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.GetCoverageData() at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute() at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.Main(String[] args)

RE: NCover.console.exe and MSTest causing Exception

looks like mstest is running as a 32-bit process. Try using C:\program files (x86)\NCover\NCover.console.exe

RE: NCover.console.exe and MSTest causing Exception

That worked!

Thanks for the tip.