Covering web services

Covering web services

We're evaluating NCover. So far it's worked very well for unit tests and now I'm attempting to run some integration tests that must execute against our code deployed on a server under IIS. Our server is a web service application using .Net 3.5 and WCF.

I've made sure that what's on the server is debug-built assemblies with accompanying PDBs. I run ncover.console //iis on the server and then I execute tests (the tests themselves run on another box but invoke the web services on the server in question).

When I'm done I hit ctrl-C to stop the coverage and then I pull up the resulting coverage.xml in the NCoverExplorer application.

I don't see any coverage at all from the web services code. I'm worried that this is only meant for ASP.Net rather than web services. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

RE: Covering web services

Could you expand on what you mean by "I don't see any coverage at all from the web services code"? Do the webservice classes/methods show up in the coverage file? Do they have visit counts greater than zero?