Help: NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException
Help: NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException
I am recieving the following exception in my nCoverReport:
-- Top-level exception (NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException)
The process could not be started. Ensure that it runs outside of NCover.
C:\Projects\Server\Simulator\TheSimulator\AutomatedBuildFiles\AutomatedBuild.msbuild(38,5): error MSB6006: "NCover.Console.exe" exited with code 20000.
I am using an MSBuild script file (AutomatedBuild.msbuild) to call NCover. Any guidance on fixing this error? It has been plaguing me for the last few days.
Thanks, Jeremy
Here is the full nCoverReport:
NCover.Console v2.1.0 (Administrator x86) - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET
Copyright (c) 2008 Gnoso Inc.
Registered to Customer #: 13192 NCover Enterprise Edition (1 User) 22 days left in the trial period.
Command: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe Command Args: C:\Projects\Server\Simulator\TheSimulator\ConsoleApplication\BasicTesting\bin\debug\BasicTesting.dll Working Directory: C:\Projects\Server\Simulator\TheSimulator\ConsoleApplication\BasicTesting\Output\bin\Debug Assemblies: BasicTesting
Program Output
-- Top-level exception (NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException) The process could not be started. Ensure that it runs outside of NCover. C:\Projects\Server\Simulator\TheSimulator\AutomatedBuildFiles\AutomatedBuild.msbuild(38,5): error MSB6006: "NCover.Console.exe" exited with code 20000. Done Building Project "C:\Projects\Server\Simulator\TheSimulator\AutomatedBuildFiles\AutomatedBuild.msbuild" (Build;BuildTests;nCoverReport target(s)) -- FAILED.
RE: Help: NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException
does the NCover command line work when executed w/o the call to NCover and the NCover specific arguments? (i.e. does MSTest run by itself when called from the same location w/ the same arguments that NCover passes to it?