Profiled Process Module

Profiled Process Module

We use Ncover 1.5.8 to run Nunit 2.4.7 which either runs some units tests or runs our application. To get coverage when running our application I've set the ProfiledProcessModule to our application and it connects but I don't get any coverage output. Comparing it to when running the unit tests, Ncover does not appear to get the shutdown message. How do I resolve this?

Also our tests stop and start our application, how do I get it to monitor all the runs.

RE: Profiled Process Module


Several things could be causing the behaviour you've observed. The most common is that NCover might not be able to find the PDB's for your application: if this is the case, then a "Failed to load symbols for module " line should appear for your application's .exe

Does a log file get produced when you run NCover?

If your last question is asking how you can get a single XML from an NCover run that profiles multiple instances of the same application, NCover 1.5.8 does not have that functionality, but NCover 2.1.0 does. To do that in NCover 1.5.8, you will have to run NCover for each test, and then merge the coverage files together.

Stephen Ward