Application termination cleanup

Application termination cleanup

All: I'm using NCoverExplorer. Killing a running Ncover.exe execution of nunit-console.exe leaves the nunit-console.exe process still running, locking up the .PDB file until the nunit-console.exe process is terminated. I wonder if all processes created under the umbrella of ncover.exe might need to be explicitly terminated? Thanks, - Phil

RE: Application termination cleanup


Yes, in certain cases forcing NCover to exit prematurely will prevent it from cleaning up its child processes. We are curently tracking down the various cause(s) and figuring out how to best solve the problem. For now, the child processes must be manually stopped.

Stephen Ward

RE: Application termination cleanup

Stephen, thanks! - Phil FWIW, perhaps updates to topics should get mirrored by email to anyone submitting a post.