System.BadImageFormatException : An attempt was made to load
System.BadImageFormatException : An attempt was made to load
I get the above errormessage when doing coverage with NUnit.
Nunit on its own works with the project, only the combination of NCover and Nunit does not.
I found some past issues, and they were about loading non .Net dlls.
The problem is that I have to use third party dll's, of which I do not
have the source. The only thing I want to do is cover my code, not into
the thid pary dlls. (I do not have .pdb files of them).
I was under the impression that NCover only tries to cover assemblies of which .pdb files are available.
How can I get the coverage running?
are there switches that I can use?
using NCover 1.3.3 and Nunit 2.2.7
Re: NCover //iis blocks IIS on W2K3/IIS6
I'll investigate this and get back with you.
Re: NCover //iis blocks IIS on W2K3/IIS6
Thanks, Peter, this is very important to us. We need to build and test on W2k3/IIS6 becuase that is our shipping platform.
Re: NCover, NUnit, and .NET 2.0 Web Services
We had the same problem and found a workaround.
The VS2005 development web server (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\WebDev.WebServer.EXE) should be used for that. You should start this server pointed to the web-service under NCover and then run the unit tests. NCover stops gathering data after closing development web server.
For example:
C:\Program Files\NCover>ncover.console.exe C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\WebDev.WebServer.EXE /port:2875 /path:C:\WebService /vpath:/WebService
Webservice URL should be changed properly in the tests.
NCover needs debug information for web-services that can be created by the aspnet_compiler.exe or VS 2005 Web Deployment Project add-in( .