Nant exec task error

Nant exec task error

<target name="code-coverage">
    <property name="filetocover" value="C:\Development\projects\VS2005\HB_Tests\bin\Debug\HB_Tests.dll" />
    <property name="ncover.executable" value="c:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" />
    <property name="nunit.exec" value="C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.3\bin\nunit-console.exe" />
    <exec program="${ncover.executable}" commandline='/c "${nunit.exec} ${filetocover} /xml=HB_Tests-Results.xml /framework:v2.0.50727 /nologo"' />

Can anyone see something wrong with this

Re: Test Failed - ProcessInvocaton.exe has encountered a problem

NCover 1.3.3 is a very old version and has some known issues. So it is entirely possible that you have just hit one of them.

Your most recommended approach is to install the .NET 2.0 framework on your machine. You don't have to upgrade to VS2005 - just having the .NET 2.0 framework on the machine is required for NCover 1.5.7 which has far less issues. (Make sure you have the latest TD.Net 2.5 as well).

If there is an intentional reason you do not have 2.0 on your machine like a company policy then most likely you are pretty much out of luck. We found various "intermittent" issues with NCover 1.3.3 that depending on the scope we ran the tests at resulted in exceptions being thrown. For instance you might find that running at project level works but solution doesnt or vice versa. I suspect this is to do with the order of AppDomains and assemblies being loaded but without the source code that was just a theory. Certainly we have never seen that same issue with the 1.5.x versions so Peter fixed it along the way.