Empty HTML Coverage folder
Empty HTML Coverage folder
Is HTML coverage working yet as it doesn't seem to produce any output. I get the coverage.xml and coverage.log ok but no html.
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
Hi mate,
I haven't seen anything like that before. That it runs with all the various test runners directly but not in any way under NCover does imply some NCover related problem. So not sure Jamie can help much but feel free to drop him a note anyway.
Is there any chance you could build a small repro project? If you can feel free to email it to me as well and I will take a look. Have you tried with NCover 1.5.4?
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
I just tried with NCover 1.5.4 and get the same behavior. I will try to work up a repro project over the weekend and see if I can narrow down what is going on. Thanks for the quick reply!
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
Hi there,
I have been getting the exact same problems as antoineg here for some time now, I even changed from MbUnit to Nunit to see whether that was the problem.
Another issue that I noticed was that the line numbers that are linked to in the error output are all over the place.
I've finally managed to create a simple project that demonstrates this happening, but I'm not sure how I can upload that here.
Let me know and I'll sort it out.
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
Hi Carl,
You can either email it to me (my email address is support at ncoverexplorer dot org), alternatively you can upload it to the TestDriven.Net FogBugz server as a new issue report (if you believe it is in some way related to TestDriven.Net):
The one big known issue for people using the latest TD.Net RTM builds or indeed NCover 1.5.5 is that of getting screwed up coverage statistics due to some changes introduced in NCover 1.5.5. As of the weekend just been I am trying to help Peter out with those issues in the source to get an official NCover 1.5.6 release together given his lack of time to do it himself.
So any repro cases people are willing to send me for any issues like this, please send them through to me so I can do my best to try to eliminate or workaround these.
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
Hi Grant,
Thanks for the fast response. I've just emailed you the samples, if you need any more info, please let me know.
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
FYI for anyone else reading I have resolved this issue in the latest NCover release I am working on.
The problem was the parsing of the IL exception header blocks (21 catch blocks versus 20 in a method would change it from "small" format to "fat" format, which was not being handled correctly).
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
I think I ran into the problem described here. Is a fix or workaround available?
Re: Odd unit test breaks using Test With...Coverage in TestDrive
The fix is in the as yet unreleased NCover 1.5.7. The workaround until then is to change your code so that you have less than 20 exception catches in a single method.
Re: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit
I decide instead of launching the process as such : Ncover --> Nunit Test DLL---> ExeToBeProfile.exe
To do the following Nunit Test DLL---> Ncover --> ExeToBeProfile.exe
Then in my Nunit Test DLL I used FindWindow (windows api (user32.dl)l) to get the handle of ExeToBeProfile.exe, and was able to continue my UI testing
Re: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit
I was trying to follow the way You figured out. Unfortunately I got no results. Could You write an example of how You did it?
If I understood well, You are able to obtain a coverage of the ExeToBeProfile.exe code?
The way i was trying to do this is:
1. Create a dll. In this dll i launch NCover and ExeToBeProfile.exe in the following way:
Process nCover = new Process("C:\Program Files\NCover\ncover.console.exe", " /o \"C:\Coverage.xml\" /c \"C:\Program Files\ExeToBeProfile\ExeToBeProfile.exe\"");
here some tests
2. Run this .dll in NUnit
I cannot get a coverage of the ExeToBeProfile.exe code. Could You provide some instructions of how You did this?
Re: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit
Did you ever get an answer to this? I am trying to use NCover with NUnit to see what my test cover when ran. Where you able to figure it out?
Re: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit
kylea.gehc wrote:
Did you ever get an answer to this? I am trying to use NCover with NUnit to see what my test cover when ran. Where you able to figure it out?
I have the same question. Has there been posts that answer this? Thanks
Re: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit
I've been trying, unfortunately with no results. Otter, are You able to write out some example of how You did it?