Nant Ncover typeExclusionPatterns-cant put two

Nant Ncover typeExclusionPatterns-cant put two

I have a Ncover task in my Nant file, and I want to exclude from coverage all classes in a number of namespaces.

It works ok for one namespace:


but if I put two, neither are excluded: typeExclusionPatterns="Ttl.Swerl.SwerlDb.;Ttl.Swerl.SwerlApplication.Payment."

Any ideas? Am I using the wrong separator?


Re: Nant Ncover typeExclusionPatterns-cant put two

no, the task looks fine. What version of NCoverExplorer are you using? This was a problem in 2.0.2 but it was fixed in 2.0.3.

Regards, Stephen Ward