Code Rank

Code Rank

Is something like CodeRank been planned / considered for a future version of NCover?

Re: Code Rank

Additional code analysis like this is on the list for consideration.  I don't have any promises/timeframe.

Re: Unable to merge due to unresolvable differences


Sounds like a problem that I addressed with the latest (1.3.4) version of NCoverExplorer. Upgrade your TestDriven.Net and/or directly the NCoverExplorer version and hopefully this issue should go away.

I blogged about the reasons for it here:

The info on the latest NCoverExplorer 1.3.4 release is here:

Re: supportedRuntime element in config file and .NET version?

Yes, that one had me rather confused as well. gives the following advice : if you can install .NET 2.0, then NCover v1.5.3 is the one for you. If you can't install .NET 2.0, then NCover 1.3.3 is your best bet.

And someone should update the FAQ :-)