Items marked for exclusion are not remembered

Items marked for exclusion are not remembered

I am not even sure if this is a bug or a misunderstanding of the product.

  1. I go into the Explorer and I exclude namespaces and classes.
  2. I Save the file.
  3. I Run NCover
  4. When it returns from running, all the excluded items are forgotten.

I am not able to use the Excluded attribute on this project for a few reasons; one being some of the classes are XSD generated files. The other reason being we are not allowed to include additional references for this project.

Should NCoverExplorer remember the exclusions or do I need to use the custom attribute?

Thank you

Joe Feser

RE: Items marked for exclusion are not remembered

Joseph Fester,

You can set exclusions for an NCoverExplorer project by going to View -> Options and modifying the exclusions under "Project Settings - Coverage Exclusions".

I've created an internal support ticket to discuss this issue further; you can view it here:

Regards, Stephen Ward