"Problem while displaying the following code" - Phantom meth

"Problem while displaying the following code" - Phantom meth

First of all, I'm thrilled to have found out about NCover and NCoverExplorer :)

When I run all my tests with coverage (through TestDriven.net), the result tree shows a huge amount of "phantom methods" - methods that I used to have in my code, but are certainly deleted by now, some a long time ago. Clicking a node that contains these phantom methods (shown in grey, with 0% coverage), results in a dialog box like this:

Problem while displaying the following code:
File: E:\Project\Source\CodeFile.cs
Method: GetRootElements
StartLine: 46, StartColumn: 4
EndLine: 46, EndColumn: 49

Do I need to clear some data somewhere that keeps track of all these old, now non-existant methods that NCoverExplorer is attempting to find coverage for?

I can see it takes it from Coverage0.xml, and in this file, I have three <module> elements, where I should only have one. One of the modules is an executable that's part of my solution, but is now unloaded (where did it pick this up?), and the other two are virtually the same, except one of them has an empty string value for the "assembly" attribute. Very strange.
