Index out of range

Index out of range

I'm using NCover 1.5.7 and NCoverExplorer and am getting the following error:

> NCoverExplorer.Console.exe E:\BuildStage\Reports\Coverage*Coverage.xml /s:merged.xml
    (c) 2006 Grant Drake
Using default .config file: C:\Documents and Settings\Mitch\Application Data\KiwiDevelopment\NCoverExplorer\NCoverExplorer.config
-- Options:
     Project Name: Unknown
     Acceptance%:  95%
     Sort:         Name
     Filter:       None
     Xml Report:   N/A
     Html Report:  N/A
     Report Type:  None(0)
     Merge To:     merged.xml
     Exclusions:   (No report footer section)
     - any Assembly matching .Tests (IsRegex=False)
     - any Namespace matching
.My* (IsRegex=False)

-- Loading file: E:\BuildStage\Reports\Coverage\E3.Framework.Core.Coverage.xml...
-- Loading file: E:\BuildStage\Reports\Coverage\E3.Framework.Coverage.xml...
-- Loading file: E:\BuildStage\Reports\Coverage\Framework.Core.Coverage.xml...
Index was out of range.  Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

I can load each file manually with no problems, its just when I merge the files that it gives the error.  I've also tried loading these in the GUI and get the same response.

I was pumped about using the 1.5.7 version as we've had lots of issues around the areas of generics, appdomains, and huge coverage files (200MB).  I was kind-of disappointed when I saw the XML output, as I thought it would have changed to give a unique signature for the overloaded methods in a class.  We had already been through some of the pain that you've gone through when we had our own custom merge program (before we found your program a couple of years ago).  Perhaps a unique method signature just isn't available in the profiling API?

Thanks for the hard work and excellent tool.  It's much appreciated.  Let me know if I can provide any assistance or data in debugging this.
