assembly names should be case insensitive

assembly names should be case insensitive


I use NCover&NCoverExplorer for some time now, lately upgraded to v1.3.5 beta.
I'm using <exclusions> in my NAnt script to filter out some core assemblies in the report of the satellite application. So far so good, today I found out that some assemblies were failing to be excluded because NCoverExplorer were looking for it with some letters in uppercase.

Coverage %
Acceptance %
Verdict Polycom.Alcatel.ApplicationAlgorithms.dll 0.6% 70% FAIL Polycom.PCAS.Alcatel.AlcatelCommonClasses.dll 59.3% 70% FAIL Polycom.PCAS.Alcatel.AlcatelComponent.dll 2.1% 70% FAIL Polycom.PCAS.Alcatel.AlcatelEventProcessor.dll 38.6% 70% FAIL polycom.pcas.dsconfmanager.dll 0.0% 70% FAIL polycom.pcas.dsdevicemanager.dll 0.0% 70% FAIL polycom.pcas.ldapfunc.dll 0.0% 70% FAIL
the last 3 are filtered out this way:
   <exclusion type="Assembly" pattern="DSConfManager" />
   <exclusion type="Assembly" pattern="DSDeviceManager" />
   <exclusion type="Assembly" pattern="LdapFunc" />

Should I write them twice? or maybe only in lower case? or maybe it's NCover bug?
Did anyone encountered this before?
