Unable to locate fixture. HELP!!!
Unable to locate fixture. HELP!!!
I've read kiwidude's NCover Problems / Fixes article (http://www.kiwidude.com/blog/2007/04/ncover-problems-fixes-part-1.html). Great stuff!! I am able to successfully run NCover from the command line.
However, when I run a NAnt script using the NCover task and the same values I used for NCover on the command line, I get a message a la the following:
[ncover] Unable to locate fixture
And then my NAnt script fails. And then people point and laugh at me. Sometimes it hurts being me. Here's the coverage target from my NAnt script:
<target name="coverage" depends="run-unit-tests" description="Runs Ncover and creates a report">
<ncover program="c:\program files\ncover\ncover.console.exe"
commandLineArgs="c:\sandbox\databasescriptutility\databasescriptutility.testfixtures\bin\debug\DatabaseScriptUtility.TestFixtures.dll, /xml="${reports.dir}\test.xml"" >
I do have both ncover installed (from the msi), as well as TestDriven.net. I'm not sure if that's the issue though - the message from the NAnt script shown above isn't the same as the "Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not established." message I was getting at first. I've tried explicitly registering ncover before I run the script, but to no avail.
Help me Obi-Wan. You're my only hope.