Coverage.Xsl file question
Coverage.Xsl file question
I am re-directing NCover to generate output files somewhere else.
This is what I am trying to execute:
NCover.Console.exe C:\projects\NUnit-2.4.1-net-2.0\bin\nunit-console.exe hello.dll //x "C:\project\TestReport.Xml" //l "C:\project\TestLog.Log"
Everything runs fine and I get TestReport.Xml and TestLog.Log in the C:\project folder. However, NCover does not copy the Coverage.Xsl to the folder and without it TestReport.Xml complains by saying: "Access is denied. Error processing resource".
I have to then manually copy Coverage.Xsl to the folder to make things work normally.
Is there a way I can tell NCover to generate .Xsl file in the destination folder automatically ?
Thanks in advance.