NCover Report when Unit Tests Fail

NCover Report when Unit Tests Fail

I am currently trying to get CruiseControl.Net and Msbuild running our builds and I am having a bit of an issue when I use NCover to run the Unit Tests.

If the Unit Tests fail, on the details for the build on CCNET it is noted as failed, but I do not have any details of the unit tests, in fact it says that the project had no unit tests.

A successful build has information regarding the Unit Tests.

My Ncover task is:

  <Target Name="Test">
   <CreateItem Include="C:\Temp\build\*.tests.dll">
    <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestAssemblies"/>
   <Message Text="Running unit tests with code coverage against @(SolutionFile)" />
   <NCover ToolPath="C:\Program Files\NCover\"
     CommandLineExe="C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.7\bin\nunit-console.exe"
     CommandLineArgs="@(TestAssemblies, ' ') /xml=C:\Temp\nunit.xml"

I am unsure whether this is a NCover or a CCNet issue, so any help would be appreciated


