The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application?
The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application?
I've written a Simple NUnit dll test for a simple Bank class. It works great under NUnit/NAnt.
When I try "ncover Bank.NUnit.dll" I get the following :
NCover.Console v1.5.5 - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET -
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Peter Waldschmidt
Command: Bank.NUnit.dll
Command Args:
Working Directory:
Coverage Xml: Coverage.Xml
Coverage Log: Coverage.Log
The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application.
Why is that?
RE: The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application?
I am getting the same error when using NCover version 1.5.8 Beta.
Error: "The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application."
Has this been fixed in version 2.0.3?
RE: The specified executable is not a valid Win32
Hi! Thanks for submitting that question.
The basic issue with your command line is that NCover only works on executables. So, you'll need to run your dll through NUnit, and then run NUnit through NCover, like so:
NCover.Console nunit-console Bank.NUnit.dll
That should solve your problem.
With that said, we highly recommend upgrading to NCover 2.0.3, because it includes tons of bug fixes as well as many new features, including integration of NCoverExplorer with NCover.