Silverlight support using Statlight as runner

Silverlight support using Statlight as runner

It's possible can you include Silverlight support using Statlight as runner?


JetBrains dotCover allow gather coverage data from a test session execution of a silverlight application, but has no includes command line support.


If NCover has better coverage metrics concepts than dotCover, then it's mandatory that NCover inculdes silverlight application support ;).

I prefer a strong command line interface (NCover) over a nice Visual Studio integration (dotCover).

So, you can try to trap Statlight server, in the same way you trap nunit.console.exe allowing gather coverge data from the follow command line:

ncover.console.exe StatLight.exe -x=PathToTestProject\bin\Debug\Tests.xap {...} //at "PathToArtifacts\trend\coverage.trend" //h "PathToArtifacts\html" {....}

RE: Silverlight support using Statlight as runner

Hi Alexander,

The upcoming release of NCover 4 does have support for Siverlight in both the test session and running natively.

While NCover 4 does not have the same command line interface as NCover 3, the process is captured in the same way, so the isolation you're looking for still occurs.

Stay tuned for more news about the NCover 4 general release.


NCover Support