NCover with TCL scripting

NCover with TCL scripting

I evaluated NCover sometimes ago for our QA department but didn't go deep on the matter. I think it was NCover 3.0, and I was able to get coverage report when I run the GUI activities on the development build of our product. Our software regression system consists of GUI testing (automated by Quick Test Professional) and TCL testing. I know NCover works when I did the GUI test. However, would NCover record the coverage when the TCL scripts were run on the same software?

Thanks, Saiyoot

RE: NCover with TCL scripting

Hi Saiyoot,

Sorry, can you clarify what you mean by "when the TCL scripts were run on the same software?"


NCover Support

RE: NCover with TCL scripting

Hi Saiyoot,

Sorry, can you clarify what you mean by "when the TCL scripts were run on the same software?"


NCover Support

RE: NCover with TCL scripting

Hi, I meant for the same product. The user uses the software through the GUI screen, wherethe GUI talks to the BLL. The same software also have a large library of TCL interface which also talks to the BLL, and the user can write TCL scripts to use the feature of the software just like what the GUI does. Our PV TCL regression suite is many times larger than the GUI test suite, so we are very interested to know if NCover will recognized the coverage of our TCL test. Thanks, Saiyoot

RE: NCover with TCL scripting


Thanks for clarifying. NCover cannot profile C, so it wouldn't show whether your TCL tests are pass/fail, but it would show coverage of any .NET code that's being executed by your TCL tests.

I hope this helps!


NCover Support