NCover.Console is returning exit code #20000

NCover.Console is returning exit code #20000


I'm currently getting the following exception when running ncover explorer. I'm able to see the coverage of my DLLs from the symbol coverage explorer but the process stops when this exception is thrown. I'm currently compiling all DLLs to AnyCPU, I'm running vista 64bit (Not by choice -_-). I'm currently using the 64bit version of NCover.Console.exe. Any ideas what could be causing this?

Top level exception: System.OutOfMemoryException Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.String.GetStringForStringBuilder(String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Int32 capacity) at System.Text.StringBuilder.GetNewString(String currentString, Int32 requiredLength) at System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(String value) at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.ReplacementImpl(StringBuilder sb, Match match)

NCover.Console is returning exit code #20000

at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.Replace(Regex regex, String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat) at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(String input, String replacement) at Mindscape.LightSpeed.Logging.CommandLog.() at Mindscape.LightSpeed.Logging.CommandLog.ToString() at System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(Object o) at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.WriteLine(Object value) at Mindscape.LightSpeed.Logging.TraceLogger.LogSql(Object sql) at ..(IUnitOfWork , IDbCommand , ) at ..(IUnitOfWork , IDbCommand ) at ..( ) at ..(IEnumerable1 ) at ..() at ..(ICollection1 ) at ..(UnitOfWorkBase , IEnumerable1 , IEnumerable1 ) at Mindscape.LightSpeed.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges(Boolean reset) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.Append(ICoverageView view) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageData.Append(ICoverageView view, String path) at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute(Int32& profiledAppCode)

at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.RunCoverage(String[] args, IOutputWriter output)

RE: NCover.Console is returning exit code #20000


I'm getting this same error when running via NCover explorer or through the command line.

Watching the task manager I can see the memory usage of NCover.Console start at around 11mb, then rapidly shoot up to over 2Gb before the OutOfMemoryException is thrown (not surprisingly!)

I'm on 64 bit, and all the processes should be 64 bit, but it doesn't look to me like the memory is being used correctly. The .ncov file is only 15Mb, so there is surely something wrong for it to be using so much memory.

This only occurs when producing the trend file, I guess this is obvious by the stack trace.

RE: Re: NCover.Console Exception (2.0.2 x64)

Hi Andy,

Thanks for posting this info. I wanted to let you and alvi40000 know that we have a new release to address this out-of-memory problem.

Please download NCover 3.4.18 at and let us know if the issue is resolved.


NCover Support