probably stupid question

probably stupid question

I can´t find the setting on "acceptable threshold" on the reports - minimum coverage seems to be used to fail the build - I dont want to do that: I want to :

xx.Wcf.MiscProductsServiceApi 60.38% 95.00% FAIL

xx.Wcf.MiscProductsServiceCore 95.95% 95.00% PASS

xx.Wcf.MiscProductsServiceDal 17.91% 95.00% FAIL

xx.Wcf.MiscProductsServiceTest 83.67% 95.00% FAIL

use 85% in all the reports (and possibly have 0% on api/dal since they are not what we test really

RE: probably stupid question


I believe what you're looking for is Satisfactory Coverage. This will show the items that did not meet a set level of coverage; and it will NOT fail the build.

RE: probably stupid question

ah ok will test that, I wish you would show examples in the docs - I always find documentation like

"//sct Coverage Metric[:Min Coverage Value][:Item Type][:Pattern]"

confusing - does the [:blabla] mean that I should put a : before the input or not? I should have learned that by now but I am not clever enough

RE: probably stupid question


That's right. You should put a " : " before the input. It would look something like this:

//sct SymbolCoverage:80

Thanks for your feedback on the documentation. We are making some great changes in preparation for NCover 4. Your comments help us know where to go. Keep them coming. Thanks!

RE: probably stupid question

hm I tested with this: <NCoverReporting ToolPath="C:\Program Files\NCover\" CoverageDataPaths="$(MsServerDictionary)$(MsProject)$(MsProjectType)\Artifacts\unittest_coverage.xml" OutputReport="$(SymbolModuleNamespaceClassMethodReport)" SatisfactoryCoverage="@(Satisfactory)"


and it has no effect whatsoever :/ EDIT: when I replaced the @ sign that I got when I copied the example from msbuildreportingexample in the ncoverfolders with a $ it started working. I still have a lot of experimenting to do to figure out how to set reasonable levels on our soa domain. But I am on track again.

RE: probably stupid question

Thanks for the update, oop. I see what you mean with the @. I believe that's because in the original example, the NCover msbuildreportingexample uses an item group rather than a property group to specify satisfactory coverage. I'm here to help if you have any other questions.