Mindscape Validation Exception
Mindscape Validation Exception
One of the projects I work with recently started throwing an Mindscape.LightSpeed.Validation.ValidationException error when NCover Explorer executes against it.
The project has been working fine for quite a while and just recently started throwing this error. At this point NCover doesn't generate the coverage data, etc...
Note that the tests themselves run just fine.
NCover v3.4.6.6783 (the previous version has the same problem)
Below is the entire stack trace.
Any ideas?
Thanks -andy
Process 'nunit-console' [PID 3512] has finished profiling. ***************** Exception ***************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Top level exception: Mindscape.LightSpeed.Validation.ValidationException The object [Document [Id=-2, EntityState=New]] could not be saved because it is invalid. The errors are: Url is required at ..(Entity ) at ..(Entity , ICollection`1 ) at ..(Entity , List`1 ) at ..(UnitOfWork , IEnumerable`1 , IEnumerable`1 ) at Mindscape.LightSpeed.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges(Boolean reset) at Mindscape.LightSpeed.UnitOfWorkBase.SaveChanges() at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.AppendDocuments(ICoverageView view) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.Append(ICoverageView view) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageData.Append(ICoverageView view, String path) at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute(Int32& profiledAppCode) at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.RunCoverage(String[] args, IOutputWriter output) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCover.Console is returning exit code #20000 --
RE: Mindscape Validation Exception
This issue should be resolved in the next NCover release.