How to get coverage report from XML file

How to get coverage report from XML file

Hi,I did a test run using Ncover on my .net based application and during he run 8 coverage.xml files go created.I need to get the covergae data for this test run. Do i need to merge those files and hit the generate report button?Please let me know how to proceed.Thanks.

RE: How to get coverage report from XML file

Can you tell us a little bit more about how you're running NCover? NCover should never generate 8 different files from a single execution. Are you doing some scripting?

RE: How to get coverage report from XML file

Yes i am setting up an enviornment variable for all the dll files i want to measure the coverage for.Following is the argument i am setting up for the enviornment variable

NCover.Console.exe" {exe} {args} //x c:\temp\coverage{guid}.xml //l c:\temp\coverage{guid}.xml //l c:\temp\coverage_{guid}.log //ll Verbose //reg //a ;

Therefore i am getting multiple xml files for coverage.

RE: How to get coverage report from XML file

Ah, so you're running NCover 8 different times and receiving 8 coverage files. You can merge all of those files on the command line with NCover.Reporting:

NCover.Reporting File1.xml File2.xml File3.xml //s Merged.xml

Then you can load that merged file into NCover Explorer.

RE: How to get coverage report from XML file

Thanks for your reply.I generated the report from the mergerd xml file but it is giving me the equivalent branch and function coverage which i think is a bit starnge,as typically Function coverage is greater than the branch coverage? Any ideas...thanks.

RE: How to get coverage report from XML file

If you would like us to take a quick look, feel free to send your coverage file to and we'll see what's going on. Be sure to reference this forum thread with a link.