[NCover Explorer]: The covered process exited with

[NCover Explorer]: The covered process exited with


Its my first time running NCover Explorer Complete (trial), I followed the instructions described in the 'getting-started' site, when I try to run my first ncover project, it returns the ff result:

... ... ... nunit-console.exe is returning exit code #-1 NUnit encountered an invalid argument.

RE: [NCover Explorer]: The covered process exited with

...is there a way on how to correct this issue?, with this I am unable proceed to the next steps in the getting-started section. Any inputs would be very helpful, thanks.

Additional Info: I am using NUnit Below is the complete result output:

NCover Complete Trial v3.3.2 x86 Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Gnoso Inc. License Key: FZTWJF7IXXAP6YQX Registered to Customer #: 37057 for 1 Machine 21 days left in the trial period.

Adding the '/noshadow' argument to the NUnit command line to ensure NCover can gather coverage data. To prevent this behavior, use the //expert argument.

Command: C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.3\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe Command Args: "/noshadow" Working Directory: E:\Projs\eLearning\Baseline\Sprint 0\Code\Lakeside.Elearning.Core.Framework\Lakeside.Elearning.BusinessObjects.Tests\bin\Debug Assemblies: (All Loaded Assemblies)

Program Output NUnit version Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.

Runtime Environment - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 CLR Version: 2.0.50727.3603 ( Net 2.0.50727.3603 )

NUNIT-CONSOLE [inputfiles] [options]

Runs a set of NUnit tests from the console.

You may specify one or more assemblies or a single project file of type .nunit.

Options: /fixture=STR Test fixture or namespace to be loaded (Deprecated) (Short format: /load=STR) /run=STR Name of the test case, fixture or namespace to run /config=STR Project configuration (e.g.: Debug) to load /xml=STR Name of XML output file (Default: TestResult.xml) /xmlConsole Display XML to the console (Deprecated) /output=STR File to receive test output (Short format: /out=STR) /err=STR File to receive test error output /labels Label each test in stdOut /include=STR List of categories to include /exclude=STR List of categories to exclude /process=X Process model for tests: Single, Separate, Multiple /domain=X AppDomain Usage for tests: None, Single, Multiple /framework=STR Framework version to be used for tests /noshadow Disable shadow copy when running in separate domain /nothread Disable use of a separate thread for tests /timeout=X Set timeout for each test case in milliseconds /wait Wait for input before closing console window /nologo Do not display the logo /nodots Do not display progress /help Display help (Short format: /?)

Options that take values may use an equal sign, a colon or a space to separate the option from its value.

End Program Output

Execution Time: 0.7041 s

Coverage Xml: E:\Projs\eLearning\Baseline\Sprint 0\Code\Lakeside.Elearning.Core.Framework\Lakeside.Elearning.BusinessObjects.Tests\bin\Debug\coverage.xml

nunit-console.exe is returning exit code #-1 NUnit encountered an invalid argument.

RE: [NCover Explorer]: The covered process exited with

It looks like you need to add your tests assemblies to the application arguments list. Does that resolve the issue?