Merging results of multiple tests.

Merging results of multiple tests.


We have multiple modules each tested with it's own test assembly. When the tests are run, the dependent assemblies for the test are copied into each test folder.

For example: AssemblyA and AssemblyB have corresponding test assemblies AssemblyA.Test and AssemblyB.Test. AssemblyA and AssemblyB are copied into the folders of AssemblyA.Test and AssemblyB.Test and NCover.Console is run on each test assembly in it's own folder. Therefore when running the NCover on AssemblyA.Test, the copies of AssemblyA and AssemblyB in the AssemblyA.Test folder are used. Am I correct in thinking that when we come to generate the reports, AssemblyA.TestFolder/AssemblyA and AssemblyB.TestFolder/AssemblyA are treated as distinct assemblies and reported separately?

We are trying to merge these results with NCover.Reporting using a command like this in the NAnt file:

//p '${projectName}' *coverage-pre.xml //or Summary:Html:NCoverHTML/CoverageSummary.html

Possibly related is that when we use the generated SymbolModule reports (one for each test assembly) and use CC.NET to merge them (in the section -> TestResults*coverage.xml) we end up with the same report displayed multiple times in CC.NET Dashboard.

Is it possible to get NCover.Reporting to treat assemblies with the same name, but in different folders, as the same when the report is generated?

Many Thanks James

RE: Merging results of multiple tests.

Hi James,

Thanks for your question and for the detailed info.

I don't think your coverage files are being merged; NCover Reporting is simply generating a CoverageSummary for each of the *coverage-pre.xml files it finds.

This would explain why there are multiple reports with duplicated assemblies.

Try adding the merge command, which looks like this:

NCover.Reporting CoverageFile1.xml CoverageFile2.xml //s MergedCoverageFile.xml

And then add your //or argument to the end.

Hope this helps!

NCover Support