//a not including all assemblies

//a not including all assemblies

I am running ncover through a rake file with the following command.

sh "#{COVERAGE_RUNNER} #{TEST_RUNNER} #{specs} /xml=#{nunit_report} //x #{xml_report} //l #{log_file} //a Props.Web;Props.Common"

The problem is the output file only shows output for Props.Common not Props.Web.

I have verified the PDB files are there and there are specs that are exercising pieces of code in Props.Web.

Any idea on why the Props.Web coverage is included in the output. I have the exact same command running on another project, and it works great.

Thanks, Joe

RE: //a not including all assemblies


think of //a as a filter. It only includes assemblies that have already been loaded by the process. Effectively, it tells NCover

"if you see this assembly loaded by the process, then cover that assembly"
