Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

Hi Sporewell, I wonder who has deleted my post on this topic. This has happened twice.

In all reports my cyclomatic complexity is zero and you asked about //ct argument which i am not using , neither in Nant Build task i am specifying Cyclomatic Coverage metric.

Here is a method which you have asked for...

RE: Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

Are you using NCover Classic or Complete?

Joe Feser

RE: Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

What version of .Net are you trying to profile?

Joe Feser

RE: Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

Hi Joe, I am currently using the trial version of ncover complete and .net framework 3.5.

RE: Cyclomatic Complexity always 0?

I've elevated this forum thread to a support ticket. You should receive an email from support at ncover dot com soon.