We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncover
We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncover
The percent of "Branch Coverage" and "Method Coverage" is decreased unexpectedly when we click on "Stop Coverage" button. Could you please advise me on this.
RE: We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncov
Why is the decrease 'unexpected'?
RE: We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncover
The percentage is decreased suddenly when clicking "Stop Coverage" button. Could you please explain to me about this. Thanks!!
RE: We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncov
it decreases probably from a combination of the following two factors
1) more methods were called than the last time coverage was run
2) less code was covered than the last time coverage was run
RE: We’re having trouble stopping coverage on Ncov
in case it's not clear, clicking the 'stop' button makes NCover calculate code coverage statistics based on how much code was tested since the last time NCover ran