installer installer

I am running the installer for the latest version. I clicked the "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" dialog and then Next. The installer popped up a "Please wait while the installer finishes dertermining your disk requirements" messagebox. That was 45 minutes ago... still waiting.

Killed it. Restarted. Same thing.

This is XP Pro SP2. I do not know what the problem might be.

RE: installer

Strange. Two people had this issue. Can you downloaf v3.2.2 from http://www.ncover.com/download/current and tell me if it fixes your issue?

Are you on a VM?

Joe Feser

RE: installer

Thanks Joe. The updated installer worked just fine. And no it was not a VM.

RE: installer

Hello, i ave the same behaviour when trying to install v3.2.4.5844.

Do you know a workaround ??

RE: installer

More info, my laptop is XP SP3, and i do not use a VM

RE: installer

have you tried redownloading the file? sometimes it gets corrupted when it is downloaded

RE: installer

You are right, downloading again corrected the issue